Posted tagged ‘fermentation’

It’s dark and cold in here


OHHHH WHAT’S this I can see some light? Oh yes, the fridge door is open… here we go?

I have been in this bucket for nearly a week now and I thought we had been forgotten. To top it all, somebody keeps opening the door and whisking us around to stop us getting out over the top of the bucket.

Now it’s too cold to keep going… brrrr it’s 4oC in here.

I know we are only little micro organisms, but we are sensitive.

Without us you couldn’t make all that lovely beer.

It’s dark and cold in the fridge, please let us out? I lose track of time locked in here with all the other buckets of yeast, I think it’s five days since I was out in that sunlight feeling nice and warm.

micro organisms

Only Little

Ahhh yes that’s better, mmm it’s getting warm and I don’t feel so sleepy anymore.

“Hey, wake up, wake up, we’re going to have something to eat soon.”

It is not long before there is a real buzz of excitement in our bucket.

Despite the whisking and being spun round for two minutes, they have put some extra food in here – somebody near the rim said it’s ‘yeast aid’ and it’s full of vitamins – I am not sure, but it tastes good.

Ouch, what’s that, quick cover your eyes, ooohh that stings… somebody has just covered us all with a funny stingy liquid, what did they say, yeast what? Oh, yeastwash, I was clean anyway, I don’t care, it still stings.  Things are settling down again and at least it’s still getting warmer.

Warmer now?

Woooh, we seem to be flying, yeee haaa “splosh” woooo yessss, somebody has tipped us into a big vat of sugary liquid and there is so much food. I think I am in yeast heaven.

Mmm that is so tasty, I must eat as much as I can and see if I can do that baby making thing.

Pop, wow that’s so funny, I just had a daughter who popped out of my cell wall, pop, there is another one… mmm keep eating, this is fun. Pop, Pop…



Yawn, I feel sleepy now, it’s hard being a mum of four so quickly, and it feels like I cannot breath anymore. I hate that feeling when there is no air, but at least I can still eat all this sugar.

Mmmm thank god for fermentation.

I feel stuffed now, but I know I must keep eating. I don’t know when I will next get so much food. Ohhh I feel a little dizzy, the alcohol level is rising, but I must eat some more…

I am so full up and all this alcohol is making me sleepy.

Woooo, hold on, we are on the move. It’s a big waterfall, swim, push back, I can’t stop myself, getting closer, can’t stop myself falling, splosh.

Mmm that’s better, the alcohol seems to have gone and it’s just me and the girls again.


Let’s rest here a while.

Yawn, oh, I seem to be in a bucket… girls, where are you, girls? Brrr it’s chilly now.  I haven’t got any more energy.

Oh, girls I will let you save your energy.

It feels like we are back in that fridge… make sure you eat as much as you can.

It’s dark and cold in here.

Night  Night.